Dream Lullabies – music for babies and mothers.


Most of today’s baby music follows the needs of an infant’s growth, but does not cope with the problem that the occasionally silly tunes might annoy the parents. The parents’ subliminal stress affects the calmness of the babies as well. It is important that the material of the CD is soothing and relaxing for both the infants and their parents.

The composer, a music teacher and a mother, based her music on classical foundations.

Throughout the composition, apart from relying on intuitions, simple, soothing, harmonic tones were keenly emphasized, since they are relaxing on the one hand, and on the other hand they improve the babies’ musicality.

Even when dealing with classical music, if it’s over-saturated and too varied, it can disturb little ones. Hence the orchestration was done in a drowsy, precise manner, but remaining harmonic and melodic.

The tranquil tunes of the Dream Lullabies CD will be found soothing by people of any age.

Based on the experiences of the composer and on the opinions of the professionals taking part in testing, it is advisable to listen to the disc throughout the pregnancy as well.

With the recommendations of:

  • Dr. Jenő Raffai, psychologist,
  • Ágnes Rákóczi, midwife, Chairman of the Hungarian Midwife Association and
  • Csilla Kétszeri, psychologist and nursery school teacher

Dream Lullabies has been tested in maternity wards of Budapest

The music from the CDs was tested from 2008 to 2009 in maternity wards of Budapest. We tried to find out, whether spending several days or sometimes just hours in maternity wards listening to Dream Lullabies music had any effect on babies. We donated mini-hifis to wards in order to learn if Dreamlike music has a calming effect on babies even if they listen to it for a little time.
After a year’s trials we know: It has!

Nurses and doctors of maternity wards explained that harmonious music had a pleasant effect on babies, on their mothers and even on employees in the wards. The employees of the Saint Imre Hospital also noted as a ‘fun fact’, that the danger of falling asleep while on duty has increased significantly since then.

Dr Olga Kónya, the neonatologist specialist, reported when the music was played (mainly in the afternoon or in the evening), less distressed cry was heard from newborn babies.

According to Ágnes Keserű, the leading maternity nurse of Péterffy Hospital, calming music already heard by babies during pregnancy creates familiarity with music used during the birth and postnatal period. Based on their experiences, even breast-feeding is more successful, when mother and baby are relaxed listening to familiar music.

Mária Garay Tamásné, the leader of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Kútvölgy Clinical Block identified employees, who doubted this synopsis, but after two or three weeks they experienced that many babies quietened under the influence of music.

Emi Bizek - composer

Emi Bizek is a composer and a music teacher. She obtained her degree in choir conducting and music teaching at the ELTE University of Budapest. Her grandfather was a musician too. Under his tutelage, she started playing the piano at the age of 10.
As a composer she wrote over 100 of her own songs. In 2005 one of these songs was accepted into the pre-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest. She got the Hungarian Music Award of the Best Soundtrack Album 2006 for one of her TV series film score.
The Dream Lullabies CD series was also nominated in 3 different years as the Best Album for Children.


Dream Lullabies 6

Dream Lullabies 5

Dream Lullabies 3

Dream Lullabies 2

Dream Lullabies 1


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